How to Remove Nose Hair Safely

by Marcos Nacach on April 20, 2020


Waxing nose hair-- a phrase which many people might find scary. But if you have long nose hair that you want to get rid of, nose waxing could be the fastest way to do this. Plus, waxing may keep those straggly hairs away for longer. But is it the best form of nose hair removal? And should you even be removing your nose hair?

How to Get Rid of Nose Hair

Nose hair waxing is just one way of getting rid of nose hairs. There are other forms of nose air removal, which include:

  • Trimming/cutting
  • Plucking
  • Burning
  • Hair removal cream
  • Laser hair removal

Trimming and Cutting Nose Hair

Some grooming kits contain tiny scissors specially designed for nose hair. Just be mindful that shaky hands can mean that these scissors end up damaging the delicate mucous membranes of your nose. There are also electric nose hair trimmers, but these can be quite expensive.

Plucking Nose Hair

You can use tweezers to grip individual hairs and pull them out. If you only have one or two noticeable hairs that are bothering you, this is perhaps a good option. But for several hairs, it’s a lengthy and painful process.

Burning Nose Hair

There is a hair removal technique known as singeing, which involves using a small burning wand to singe the hair away. This is not recommended for nasal hair as the heat can damage the skin, and the smell and fumes from the burning hair are very unpleasant.

Hair Removal Cream for the Nose

Depilatory creams are hair removal creams that soften the hair until it can be wiped away, leaving behind smooth skin. Depilatory creams are not recommended for the nose as the skin here is sensitive and easily burned, plus you may inhale toxic fumes.

Laser Hair Removal for the Nose

It is possible to get laser hair removal for the nose, both inside and out. This is a professional procedure that damages the hair root so that it can’t grow anymore. Laser hair surgery is expensive and permanent; and considering you need some nasal hair to protect you from harmful dirt and microbes, it should be considered very carefully.

Nose Waxing: How to Wax Nose Hair


Understanding how to remove nose hair safely is quite a skill, so always get it done at a salon or by a trained professional. A careful nose waxing should go no further than the ball of your nose, so you should never feel wax going right up into your nostrils. Nose waxing is a purely aesthetic process, so you should only be interested in removing visible nose hairs, not the beneficial nose hairs which reside deeper within the nose.

  1. Your nose waxing professional will use a high-quality hard wax for nose waxing, which is better suited to small, delicate areas.
  2. The wax is melted then applied to a wooden applicator.
  3. The wax is made into a ball shape, just the right size to fit into the ball of your nose with no risk of any getting stuck up the nostrils.
  4. The wax is allowed to cool considerably before being applied to the nose to avoid any pain from the heat.
  5. The softened, cooled wax is placed just inside the nostril, where any visible hair will be growing from.
  6. The wax is left for a couple of minutes to ensure it’s completely hardened.
  7. This ensures only one treatment is needed, as it’s important not to aggravate the delicate skin here.
  8. Once the esthetician is confident the wax has completely hardened, they pull the applicator firmly away from the nose, removing all the offending hair in one go without damaging the finer hairs deeper in the nostrils.

Post Nose Wax Care

The pain is said by those who get nose waxes regularly to be less than plucking, but you may still feel sore. A warm washcloth across the nose may help, and there are calming wipes that your salon may be able to advise on along with other post wax care products. Don’t have a nose hair waxing if you have nose piercings or a cold or suffer from nasal allergies.

Benefits of Waxing Nose Hair


Okay, there’s that initial burst of pain when all the nose hair is pulled out at once. It can be an eye-watering moment. So why do so many people prefer waxing to other nose hair removal treatments?

  • Waxing removes all the hair at once, and the pain is done and over with fast.
  • Plucking takes ages and is painful for a long time.
  • Plucking with tweezers can be dangerous as the tweezers can damage the skin.
  • Waxing lasts for up to four weeks, meaning this is not a treatment that needs to be done too regularly.
  • Nose waxing needs to be done by someone who is specially trained, which gives the peace of mind that comes with having a professional treatment done

Are There Any Downsides to Using Nose Wax?

All hair removal techniques can lead to some irritation, regardless of the part of the body treated. Waxing or plucking hair on nose areas can, in rare cases, lead to:

  • Ingrown nose hair
  • Damage mucous membranes
  • Inflammation
  • Irritation

An ingrown hair on nose skin can be painful, and you may feel a little bump. It basically means a hair has started to regrow after being plucked or waxed but has re-entered the skin instead of growing normally. Ingrown nose hairs should resolve themselves if kept clean and not aggravated, but if symptoms persist, see a doctor. Plucking hair is just as likely to cause ingrown hairs as waxing, so neither has the advantage here.

An experienced esthetician will know the best ways to remove nose hair without causing ingrown hair or irritations, so check with your local salon if they can provide the treatment and look at reviews to find out where you can get the best nose waxing.

Takeaway: Nose hair waxing lasts longer than trimming or cutting nose hair, and may be safer than plucking. It’s also faster than plucking nose hairs because all the hair is removed at once, rather than individually.